generator &

Manifesting generator

Strategy: To Respond

Not-Self Theme: Frustration

Mechanics of the Generator: Sacral Defined, No Motor connected to the throat

Mechanics of the Manifesting Generator: Sacral Defined, Motor connected to the throat

Aura: Open and Enveloping

Questions: Who am I? Will I Be Asked?

Signature: Satisfaction


Everything about being a Generator is about how you use your energy. You are THE energy beings, you are THE life force on the planet.

Now, think about what happens when that energy is simply not used correctly. The disarray, the chaos, the incredible frustration that fills this plane…

And it all goes back to one thing and one thing only. Generators are here to find satisfaction, and you only find satisfaction through the correct use of your energy.

As a pure energy being everything that you do must be correct. And for the Generator it is, well, simple because it’s always a matter of response.

It's always a matter of responding to what comes towards you. It’s in that response that you're going to use that energy in a way in which you find the satisfaction you need.

The more satisfaction we have on this plane, the less frustration we have, and it is in your hands as Generators.

It's all about decision-making, this is the basis of Human Design.

And for you to see how extraordinary your gift is, to be the Generator who has the perfect skills to be able to respond or not in the moment to what's there.

Trust that, wait for that, and then you can use your energy in a way that is deeply satisfying, and there is nothing like that.

— Ra Uru Hu

(courtesy of Jovian Archive)


The Generator